Indian superstar Ajay Devgn, known for championing impactful causes for the welfare of the Indian film industry and society, has taken on the role of the official face of Bhamla Foundation’s World Environment Day 2025 campaign. The campaign, themed “Sustainable India to the World,” highlights India’s leadership in sustainability and environmental progress on a global stage.
Superstar Ajay Devgn and Mr Asif Bhamla, National President of Bhamla Foundation, will jointly unveil this global campaign in the auspicious presence of the Honourable Governor and other luminaries from all walks of life, marking a momentous step towards a greener future.
As India celebrates its 75th year of independence, the collaboration between Ajay Devgn and Bhamla Foundation, a leading environmental NGO, represents a pivotal moment in the country’s journey towards eco-consciousness. This initiative underscores the critical need for responsible actions to combat pressing environmental challenges.
The unveiling of this campaign promises to serve as a beacon of hope, paving the way for a sustainable India and a brighter, more eco-friendly world.